Lithium Force

LFM Solar Energy SLIM

More than a metal roof

Maximize the installed power without claiming the discreet design.

LFM SLIM is a combination of thin solar panels and a folded metal roof, where the end product becomes a discreet solar roof. The plate for LFM SLIM has the same fold width as the solar panel to maximize the installed power without claiming the discreet design.

The sheet metal and solar panels can be tailored to the desired length, from 865 mm up to 4 025 mm. It is also possible to join the panels up to a total length of 12 meters. When joining, the wiring is covered with a discreet sheet metal protection.

Combining roof replacement and installation of solar panels is both smooth, safe and cost-effective.


Minimalist and elegant Scandinavian design – Adapted for private homes as well as commercial and historic buildings, without changing the original architectural design.

Made in Europe – The entire production is produced in Europe. This means delivery security, low climate footprints and decent working conditions.

Safe and complete installation throughout Sweden – We at LFM guides our customers through the entire process and offers turnkey installations – ready to go.

Superior shading performance – The bypass technology between each cell ensures that shading on one or more solar cells only affects the current cells instead of the entire panel.

Minimal weight enables easy and safe installation without penetrating the waterproofing layer of the roof.

Flexible solar panels allow installation on curved surfaces and roofs. The panels can also be walked on during maintenance.

Highly efficient CIGS cells without toxic cadmium thanks to our unique LFM DUO system.

Technical characteristics

SLIM Extended


For roofs over 4 meters, we use our SLIM extended solar panel. This allows us to connect panels up to 12 meters in series, which increases the installed power. The wiring is easily hidden under a cover, so that the aesthetics of the roof are not compromised

Technical characteristics

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